权力的游戏冰与火之歌音乐原声大碟第1~7季+Symphony+8季 原声大碟(2011-2019年)百度云网盘下载,格式为FLAC,资源大小3.18GB,本资源已做压缩包防和谐处理

《权力的游戏》原声的配乐者 Ramin Djawadi是Hans Zimmer的Media Ventures工作室培养的作曲家,他在电影配乐里面一般是做幕后工作,比如加勒比海盗的附加音乐,此君也为很多的电视剧配乐。不少影视配乐都是他的作品。他和Klaus Badelt作的总有爱鼓励(Beat The Drum),清新淡雅,是一部不俗的配乐。Ramin Djawadi至今还没有一部管弦乐大作,总的说来,Ramin Djawadi是Hans Zimmer电子乐这一面的缩影。对于他的电影工作,Djawadi获得最佳电影原创音乐大碟格莱美提名奖。



Season 1 – 2011 [FLAC]

    • 01 – Main Title.flac
    • 02 – North Of The Wall.flac
    • 03 – Goodbye Brother.flac
    • 04 – The Kingsroad.flac
    • 05 – The King’s Arrival.flac
    • 06 – Love In The Eyes.flac
    • 07 – A Raven From King’s Landing.flac
    • 08 – The Wall.flac
    • 09 – Things I Do For Love.flac
    • 10 – A Golden Crown.flac
    • …..更多

Season 2 – 2012 [FLAC]

    • 01 – Main Title.flac
    • 02 – The Throne Is Mine.flac
    • 03 – What Is Dead May Never Die.flac
    • 04 – Warrior Of Light.flac
    • 05 -Valar Morghulis.flac
    • 06 – Winterfell.flac
    • 07 – Qarth.flac
    • 08 – Wildfire.flac
    • 09 – I Am Hers, She Is Mine.flac
    • 10 -Pyat Pree.flac
    • 更多…

Season 3 – 2013 [FLAC]

    • 01 – Main Title (Game of Thrones- Season 3).flac
    • 02 – A Lannister Always Pays His Debts.flac
    • 03 – Dracarys.flac
    • 04 – I Paid the Iron Price.flac
    • 05 – Chaos Is a Ladder.flac
    • 06 – Dark Wings, Dark Words.flac
    • 07 – You Know Nothing.flac
    • 08 – Wall of Ice.flac
    • 09 – Kingslayer.flac
    • 10 – I Have to Go North.flac
    • 更多…

Season 4 – 2014 [FLAC]

    • 01 – Main Titles.flac
    • 02 – The Rains of Castamere (performed by Sigur Rós).flac
    • 03 – Breaker of Chains.flac
    • 04 – Watchers on the Wall.flac
    • 05 – I’m Sorry for Today.flac
    • 06 – Thenns.flac
    • 07 – Mereen.flac
    • 08 – First of His Name.flac
    • 09 – The Biggest Fire the North Has Ever Seen.flac
    • 10 – Three Eyed Raven.flac
    • 更多…

Season 5 – 2015 [FLAC]

    • 01 – Main Titles.flac
    • 02 – Blood of the Dragon.flac
    • 03 – House of Black and White.flac
    • 04 – Jaws of the Viper.flac
    • 05 – Hardhome, Pt. 1.flac
    • 06 – Hardhome, Pt. 2.flac
    • 07 – Mother’s Mercy.flac
    • 08 – Kill the Boy.flac
    • 09 – Dance of Dragons.flac
    • 10 – Kneel For No Man.flac
    • 更多…

Season 6 – 2016 [FLAC]

    • 01 – Main Titles.flac
    • 02 – Blood of My Blood.flac
    • 03 – Light of the Seven.flac
    • 04 – Needle.flac
    • 05 – Coronation.flac
    • 06 – Feed the Hounds.flac
    • 07 – My Watch Has Ended.flac
    • 08 – The Red Woman.flac
    • 09 – Hold the Door.flac
    • 10 – Khaleesi.flac
    • 更多…

Season 7 -2017

    • 01. Main Titles
    • 02. Dragonstone
    • 03. Shall We Begin?
    • 04. The Queen’s Justice
    • 05. A Game I Like to Play
    • 06. I Am the Storm
    • 07. The Gift
    • 08. Dragonglass
    • 09. Spoils of War, Pt. 1
    • 10. Spoils of War, Pt. 2
    • 更多…

Symphony – 2017 [FLAC]

    • 01 – Main Title.flac
    • 02 – Goodbye Brother.flac
    • 03 – Finale (From Season 1).flac
    • 04 – Warrior of Light.flac
    • 05 – Winterfell.flac
    • 06 – Mother of Dragons.flac
    • 07 – A Lannister Always Pays His Debts.flac
    • 08 – Dracarys.flac
    • 09 – Mhysa.flac
    • 10 – Two Swords.flac
    • 更多…

Season 8 -2019

    • 01. Main Title (From Game Of Thrones Season 8).flac
    • 02. The Rains of Castamere.flac
    • 03. Arrival at Winterfell.flac
    • 04. Flight of Dragons.flac
    • 05. Heir to the Throne.flac
    • 06. Jenny of Oldstones.flac
    • 07. A Knight of the?Seven?Kingdoms.flac
    • 08. The Battle of Winterfell.flac
    • 09. The Dead are?Already?Here.flac
    • 10. Battle for the Skies.flac
    • 更多…





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